Black Tie Charity Ball 2019
In April 2019, two wonderful midwives from Basildon Hospital, Siân and Eloise, organised a Black Tie Charity Ball for Essex Sands. Their aim was to increase awareness of the impact of baby loss and raise funds to help support bereaved parents and fund research into the causes of stillbirth, working towards Sands' vision of a world where fewer babies die.
The ball was a fantastic success! Over £15,000 was raised over the evening and everyone had a fabulous time. We were even treated to a performance by the amazing Ruti, winner of 2018’s The Voice.
As our Essex Sands chairman, Brian, so beautifully put in his speech during the evening,
“You created a huge party for our babies. Our babies can’t be here, but we will have a party for them”.
You can see highlights from the evening in this beautiful video.
As part of the evening, The Film Boys created another special video which told the heartbreaking stories of Daria & Liam and Leanne & Scott and their beautiful babies, Paloma and AJ. A huge thank you for your courage in sharing your experiences. You can see this video here. Please note that some of you might find it upsetting but it powerfully highlights the tragic impact that losing a baby has on families.
Thank you to Siân and Eloise for their tireless hard work in organising the ball and to everyone who contributed to the smooth running of the evening. Finally a massive thank you to everyone who in some way donated towards the event. We are truly grateful for your support.
Videos created by The Film Boys (https://www.thefilmboys.co.uk)